Thursday, September 6, 2012

Alfresco Certified Engineer (ACE)

Proud moment for me to announce, became an Alfresco Certified Engineer yesterday. It had been a good experience to review where am I after working on Alfresco for last 4 years since Alfresco 2.1

For whom, who are targeting for the certification, here are a few useful information.


These are areas where you will be tested.

  • The Alfresco architecture and Repository
  • Understand, design and create content models and custom object types and aspects
  • Package and deploy Alfresco extensions and modules
  • Develop extensions for the Alfresco Explorer Web Client
  • Develop applications and Services using the Alfresco APIs (Foundation Services, JCR, Web Services)
  • Understand, define, customize and deploy Advance Workflows and Task Models
  • Understand how workflows interact with content
  • Connect to external applications using Web Services and protocols like SOAP & CMIS


There are 80 questions and you have 60 minutes to answer these. You need to secure at least 75% to become an ACE.


These are courses that will help you to pass the certification

  • Alfresco Fundamentals Course
  • Alfresco Web Scripts Course
  • the Alfresco Share Configuration Course
  • API Development Training Course
  • Alfresco Workflow Training Course
However, there is no formal requirement or pre-requisite for these courses or training.


Here is the categories and divisions of areas the questions are structured in the certification.

Architectural Core 39%
Repository Customization 22%
Web Scripting 13%
UI Customization 14%
Web Services 12%


Types of questions.

  • Multiple Choice — you need to select one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.
  • Multiple Responses — select more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement. The text states how many options are correct, such as Choose two.
  • Sample Directions — read the statement or question. From the response options, select the option(s) that represent the most correct or best answer(s) given the information provided.
  • True/False — select either true or false as the answer.
  • Hotspot — you have to click on the correct area within an image. There is only one correct answer to this type of question.


  1. Hi Snig,

    First of all, congratulations on passing the exam.
    I envy you :)
    Well,only recently I bought your cookbook and find it an excellent tutorial for learning Alfresco. It is my aim too, to pass the certified Engineer exam. I would be grateful if you could you please suggest what books are sufficient to pass the exam. I intend to purchase the Jeff potts book next. Will that suffice?
    Please suggest.

    Hyderabad, AP

  2. Hi Phani

    Thanks for the words.
    And thanks a lot for appreciating the book - it is intended for the developers who wants to quickly be hands on into Alfresco. Glad you liked it and the content was useful to you.

    The Jeff Potts book is an excellent resource for any level of Alfresco developers and architect. I recommend you to get this one as well soon.

    In terms of the ACE, it will be good if you attend the Alfresco official training program as mentioned in the Alfresco web site. The study material etc they provide will prove very handy for your certification exam.


  3. Hi Snig,

    Could you please share the training material if you have a soft copy?
    Thank you.

  4. Hi Snig,

    I am a java developer and have recently started working, have heard of Alfresco many a times but I have no clue what is it all about . I am interested in learning it . Can you please let me know what should I go ahead and learn it as a java developer and where should I start from . I will really appreciate if you drop me a mail at
